pp108 : WS-AppServer Service Connection Parameters Interface

WS-AppServer Service Connection Parameters Interface

This topic describes the fields on the WS-AppServer Service Connection Parameters Interface.

Table 1. WS-AppServer Connector Parameters

Field Description
Configure Database

Maps the WS-AppServer processor to the tables of a database to which Process Platform is connected. This is selected by default. If this check box is cleared, you will not see any Database Configuration related fields and options. In that case, you can create the Service Container by providing the Initializer Class Name.

Note: WS-AppServer service container can process the requests with implementation types that start with Bsf such as BsfJavaCall, BsfUpdate, BsfValidate, BsfMetaData, BsfProcedure and so on, only when the service container is configured with Configure Database option enabled.

Auto Cleanup An option to free WS-AppServer NOM memory by removing object data associated with BusObjects immediately after the transaction is committed. It ensures availability of sufficient memory for WS-AppServer. When the check box is clear (default condition), the Auto Cleanup function is inactive and Java objects in WS-AppServer memory are available even after the transaction is committed and will be cleaned up by garbage collection. The objects can be retrieved, if required before they are cleaned up by garbage collection. When you select the Auto Cleanup check box, the Auto Cleanup function is activated. It removes Java objects after every transaction, thus freeing WS-AppServer memory. In this scenario, if you want WS-AppServer to retain certain objects after the transaction is committed, you can use the keepAlive() method on those objects. For more information regarding the method, refer to the BusObject class in Java APIs. For more information on the Auto Cleanup functionality, refer to Memory Management in WS-AppServer.
Initializer Class Name Name of the class that implements the iOnBsfConnector interface. This helps you implement custom logic that will run whenever WS-AppServer starts or stops. This option is useful when you are not creating the WS-AppServer Service based on a database. For more information on the interface details, refer to the Java API documentation.
Note: The event listener iOnBsfConnector is valid and applicable only when WS-AppServer is run in Service mode (using WS-AppServer Service). It will not be operational if WS-AppServer is used in an embedded (in absence of a WS-AppServer Service) mode.
Application Initializer Class Name Name of the class that implements the IApplicationInitializeListener interface. It helps you implement custom logic that will be activated whenever WS-AppServer starts. The associated event listener ApplicationInitialize can be used when WS-AppServer runs in Service mode (using WS-AppServer Service) as well as in embedded mode (in absence of a WS-AppServer Service).
Note: You can use this class to connect to several databases. However, the class will be initialized only once for each database. Ensure to place the class in the relevant classpath. For more information in implementing the class, refer the Java API documentation related to the interface.
Enable Rules

Enables the Rule Repository tab where you can specify the following Rule Engine related information:

  • Organization - Indicates the organization where the service is being created.
  • Select Database Configuration - Select one of the existing database configurations on which the Rule Repository Service will be based. The details of the selected database configuration appear in various fields.
    Note: To create a new database configuration, select New Database Configuration. For information, refer to Creating a Database Configuration.
  • Runtime Properties - To specify runtime execution details. The following options are available:
    • Rule Action Threads - Number of threads that are assigned for a rule action. 
      Note: If the number of transactions performed by the rule engine involving external actions is huge, increase the size of the rule action threads. The default size is 6.
    • Max value for Dispatcher Queue Size - Maximum number of asynchronous rule actions that can be queued in the dispatcher queue. The default size is 50000. 
      Note: Setting it to 0 will allow infinite number of rule actions in the queue and may result in an Out of Memory error. Depending on the requirements of the application, change the size of the Dispatcher Queue. A higher value of the parameter allows for higher memory, and a lower value limits memory usage. This value is exposed to JMX as a cold setting.
    • Trace Rule Execution - Select the check box to enable monitoring of rule execution. 
      Note: Enabling this option will impact the performance as this feature demands the recording of details in the database during the rule execution.
Enable Audit Enables auditing of WS-AppServer data. However, auditing will take place only when the WS-AppServer Audit Configuration is defined.
Multi tenant Enables WS-AppServer to run in Multitenant Mode. For details, see Running WS-AppServer In Multitenant Mode
Organization Indicates the organization where the service is being created.
Select Database Configuration Select one of the existing database configurations that have been created. The details of the selected database configuration appear in various fields within the same window.
Note: To create a new database configuration, select New Database Configuration. For information, refer to Creating a Database Configuration.
Advanced Properties Click to view the Advanced Properties and fill them.